Wednesday 29 June 2011

i don't belong here

hi again..

im not really in a good mood right now because i just don't feel like going to school tomorrow. i just don't wanna see all my friends there, especially teachers : | i just hate everyone in my school. i just don't feel that school suits me because i just feel like im not supposed to be there. hmm. how can i.. i feel like im not that clever, smart like really. honestly, i feel stupid. im not a good girl. im a bad.. girl >:) eyaaah, setaie eh. actually i am a good girl. eseeeh. laziness makes me bad. i haven't done my homework yet. see, how lazy i am. right now, everythings feel so heavy. my leg dont wanna move. my eyes. o shizz. my eys can actually. yknow what i mean? no? okay. i mean, i feel so heavy to walk to my room. arrange all my books. do my homeworks. writting makes me feel "huhhh" even homework makes me go " aaaaaa, what is this? what's all this? 2 x 2 is what? aaaa!" hahaha. dont underestimate me because i know how to calculate 2 x 2. nyeeeh. it's 4 kan? seee, im awesome!

sighs* my brain  says "afif ahmad" :') can't you gals see how much i miss him :(  i wanna see him so bad. bad. bad. :( i hope ia rindu aku jua like i do. i hope he's thinking of me like i do too. i love you afif! :) <3 <3

emma & laila. please post something on this blog. pleaseeeeeeeee.

till here.

lots of love,
azillafifi. x

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