Tuesday 12 July 2011

He'll Be Gone For a Week or Two

day or night, he will always be there for me - a guy who actually cares about me. a guy who are there to wipe all my tears. a guy who is always there when i need him. his face is clean as a wiped-window in front of me. he has sparkling dark brown eyes, which mostly make my heart skip a beat. he glitters up my day with the help of his everyday messages :) i miss the 3 words he used to say. i miss yelling at my mom to lend her phone, quickly clicking the home-button and browse through Facebook to check up for him. i re-read off his previous messages when i stroke up a pose. i usually smile alone, lying on my bed, bending my arms upwards to get to read his messages. i couldn't shine. i couldn't smile. i couldn't make anything feel better when he's not there. he used to say "everything that i wanted to hear" without even bother asking him to.

but now...

he's gone. he's away proceeding his qualifying exam. all i wanna let out is; im gonna pray for the best of him. wishing him goodlucks. and do his best. & ilovehim! :)

till that,
azillafifi. x

"i still say your name when i'm talking in my sleep and in the limelight i play it off fine but i can't handle it when i turn off my night light"

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