Saturday 23 July 2011


i feel so lifeless everyday i do

I may get mad at you, but don’t ever think for a second that I don’t love you. Because really, I do, and I don’t think anything in the world can change that.
Converse and a Camera
There's a difference between goodbye and letting goGoodbye is "I'll see youagain when I'm ready to hold your hand, and when you're ready to hold mine."Letting go is "I'll miss your hand. I realized it's not mine to hold, and I will neverhold it again."
Deciding to get back together with someone is a complicated and difficult decision. Just remember that the person you are getting back together with is the same person who, not long before, looked you in your beautiful face, took full stock of you and all your qualities, and told you that he was no longer in need of your company.
If I'm not the one thing you can't stand to lose, if I'm not that arrow to the heartof you, if you don't get drunk on my kiss, if you think you can do better than this, then I guess we're done.
-Reba McEntire
Who do you think you are to write on his heart in permanent marker?
-Taylor Swift
She has faith in me. She makes me want to be differentbetter.
( A Walk To Remember )
I should hate him for the way he's treating me. Except that I don't. I wish I did. I wish I could. Maybe that's what real love is. Not hating someone when you have every reason to.
High school's better than junior high. They'll call you names, but not as much to your face.
( Welcome To The Dollhouse )
I love you , in a really, really big
pretend to like your taste in music ,
let you eat the last piece of cheesecake,
hold a radio over my head outside your window,
unfortunate way that makes me hate you , love you ,
so pick me, choose me, love me..
The thing is, I don't want to start all over again. I've worked so hard on this relationship just to start at square one with another? No, I can't and I won't. No matter how much this kills me.
Heart Sunglassessugar
Look, lots of people lose themselves in love.
It's no shame. They write songs about it.
The hitch is, you can't stay lost.
Sooner or later, you have to get back to yourself.
me tooBlackDress
Through humour, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation may be, you can survive it. -Bill Cosby
Someday, you're going to meet someone who drives you mad. Who you're going to fight with and laugh with and do totally insane things for; someone who turnsyour life upside down.
He's the kinda boy that makes you love your name just by the way he says it.
If it were up to me, I would construct a key to your heart. And find love and set you free.
-Humans; The Scene Aesthetic
Don't settle for the guy who's going to wait on you. Wait for the one who pushesyour buttons and makes you mad on a daily basis. Love isn't supposed to be easy, it's supposed to be worth it.
You know you're in love when you always want to tell someone about it, even when they do not ask.
maybe you’re just scared
because for once, someone
actually wants to be with you.
You're an ass. You can never make up your mind. You
always mock me. I never seem to like you. But all at
the same time, I am completely & madly in love with you.
I hate how we never hang out anymore,
and how we were great friends.
I hate how you'll never flirt with me,
but then you'll flirt with my best friends.
I hate how whenever I see you,
you don't see me.
I hate when I have something to say online,
your only response is, "cool"
& boy, do I hate it when you make me smile.
Bitch don't bother trying to impress me
telling me what color his boxers are.
sweetie, I know, I bought them
telling me how good he is in bed.
bitch, I know.
I taught him.
My theory is that maybe, if I keep my distance, you`ll start to miss me.
I've been through hell & back. I spill stuff, trip & embarrass myself. I can't justflutter my eyes & get whatever the heck I want. My life is messed up, I've been through way more than you see on t.v., babe. Nobody's perfect. I've been liedto, cheated on, & had my
heart broken. I've screwed up, and i know i'll do it again.
But every hit was worth it because I felt it. I knew it was real. Life is real. & I'mliving it wrong everyday. I'm screwing up royally, & I do everything in reverse. But, will I regret one single thing? Never. Because at one point, what I did was what I wanted & I got my satisfaction from it. My life is mine & no bitches orimmature people can screw it up for me anymore. I'm the real deal & I'd love to see you try & break me.
He stumbles over his wordsCloses his eyes tightly. Breathes in. Breathes out. Almost loses his courage. "I love you," he says. "I love you so much it hurts."
The only reason we hold back is because we think we have an endlessamount of chances or that there will always be one more. But as timedisappears into the past and life goes on, those chances will run out and you'll either live with eternal happiness for being brave, or eternal regret for holding back.
Treat people as you would like to be treatedKarma's only a bitch if you are.
Don't be so blue, I know what you're going throughHitting walls and getting scars only makes you who you are. No matter how much your heart is aching, there is beauty in the breaking.
-Broken; Lindsay Haun
Falling in love doesn't happen just once.
Every time you hear their voice after not hearing it for a week;
every time you see that smile brightens the room;
every time they make you laugh when you don't even want to smile;
every kiss hello and see-you-later hug.
That's when you fall in love; Not once, but everyday.
oh crapp